
LOVes of KBP: My Man, Josiah David

Before I start, I'm just going to get this out of the way: Wow, this man is a looker. I got seriously lucky. #blessed.

A big big  part of why Kaitlyn Becker Photography exists is because of the encouragement and consistent support from my husband Josiah. As a Christian man he believes that his job as a husband is to love and support his wife, and lead with biblical principles.  As a headstrong, and stubborn wife, I can tell you that I make that hard for him! 

There have been countless evenings of me asking him to "look at this cool new part of my website" or to "check out what I wrote on instagram!" I'm constantly getting great advice from him that is unfiltered and true. The man barely uses facebook and has no social media outside of that, so his opinion on topics like "would this make sense to a normal person?", is great, because he doesn't hang around photographers all day- the man is in aviation!

So let's give a round of applause to another great part of Kaitlyn Becker Photography,  Josiah David Johnson.

Want to hear about how we met? Check back in the blog soon!